Earliest Snowfall on record ...

This past weekend has been pretty crazy weather-wise. On Friday when I was walking to my morning class it was chilly and raining. Two hours later it was snowing. It is still snowing as I write this post. For my town this is the earliest snowfall on record! The trees have just started to turn color last week and now they are full of snow. Makes for a very pretty but bizarre picture. Here are a few pictures I took with my point-and-shoot on the way from class to my office.

The trees have just started to turn color...

So much for the fall mums...

The trees that have already turned color were so pretty with the snow on them

Kinda sad.....

Tree damage was extensive...the tree crews on campus were going up in cherry picker buckets and shaking the snow off the branches of the large trees. Here are just some examples of the damage.

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